USA (MNN/BCS) — The following media release presents Bethany Christian Services’ response to Trump’s expected actions towards refugee resettlement as of Thursday afternoon. The ministry has a long history of helping refugees settle in the United States.
The safety and well-being of children and families is Bethany Christian Services’ primary concern. Given our long-standing commitment to welcoming refugee and immigrant families, in partnership with local churches and community agencies, Bethany Christian Services is deeply saddened to hear of President Trump’s pending executive order to temporarily halt refugee resettlement, to significantly reduce the numbers of refugees resettled in the United States and to exclude from resettlement refugees coming from some of the most war torn countries in the world.
Each year, thousands of families arrive in the U.S. as refugees or immigrants – some are children who arrive as unaccompanied minors, having been separated from their families overseas as they fled violence or disaster. Providing protection to those seeking safety is one of our nation’s proudest and longest standing traditions.
The need for resettlement remains great and Bethany is committed to working with government officials at all levels to ensure that this tradition of welcoming refugees and immigrant families and helping them adjust to life in the U.S. continues. While we understand and appreciate the President’s commitment to our country’s safety, the vetting process for refugees is rigorous.
Historically, all refugees coming to the U.S. are vetted first through the United Nations and then through U.S. authorities, including the National Counterterrorism Center, the Terrorist Screening Center, the Department of Defense, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security.
Additionally, this screening process can take up to two years. Our hope is that this pending ban is indeed only temporary so that the millions of refugees currently fighting for their lives can once again rely on the caring and compassion that has made the United States the greatest country in the world.
Would you please pray for guidance for Bethany at this time?
I am praying for this decision by President Trump. I am praying that the LLord will intervene and that President Trump would change his mind.
The vetting process is not at all sufficient according to our own homeland security and others. It only makes sense to protect our citizens. That is the job of government. The ban is going to be temporary. Also the new administration wants to increase in region aid dramatically. And funds will go much further to help more people that way. We need to keep praying for our leaders and for the refugees. There are many ways we can still help and support them.
Your comment did not mentioned that his order stated VERY clearly that refugee under religious persecution will be exempted! That is the main thing, Christians are being driven out of those area. Under Obama’s Admin. ten of thousands came to the U.S. but barely over one thousand had been admitted into the U.S.! There are millions of Christians left Iraq and Syria, that proportion is just not right. Lots of them do not even dare to go to refugee camps before they are being beaten and even killed by Muslim follow refugees. (many reports) The latest one was a woman being stabbed by a Muslim in the refugee camp in Austria.
Deb, he says that they will be PRIORITIZED, not exempted. And that will only come after the 120-day suspension of visa issuance. And they must be a “minority” religion in their area–which leaves scores of Muslims in Daesh-occupied regions at risk, as Daesh is also targeting Muslims who don’t meet their standards of piety. And the fact is, the executive order still sets a maximum number of 50,000 per fiscal year–no matter what the petitioner’s faith or location.
(As far as the proportion of Christians to Muslims being admitted–see my earlier comment on Daesh and other followers of Islam. A million Muslims have been displaced; 70,000 Christians as of last March.)
Deb is correct. From Drudge Report: “Some exceptions will be made for members of “religious minorities,” which — in the countries targeted by the decree — would imply favorable treatment for Christians.”
Also, see David Brody interview with Donald Trump:
Thank you so much Bethany for taking a stand on this important issue and not putting politics above Jesus. We have seen too much of that lately.
Be patient Friends. Take your concerns to the Lord like Hezekiah did. I believe you will be quite happy with President Trump. He understands your concerns. He’s mostly concerned with those who will be terrorists. He stands in solidarity with the Pro-life movement. I think I read that he already is talking about exempting persecuted believers seeking refuge in America. Don’t pay attention to the old legacy media. Check the Washington Examiner website, the World Net Daily website, the Newsmax website.
At first the Trump order appears harsh. But then I researched some history on refugee resettlement and found some interesting facts. Please do so as well. I think we all need to look at the U.S. history and current realities to get a fair opinion. The whole situation is far deeper than ” Under the Obama administration they did this…and now under the Trump administration he proposes this… ” It is very complicated and layered. Please know the facts before you make a judgment. Pray also that the reason for the people being refugees ends. Most people want to remain in their home country, only under safe conditions. That is the core problem.