International (MNN) — It’s the season of Advent. During this time, Christians wait. We wait for the incarnation of Christ and what it will bring. We wait for His light to dawn in our hearts.
And while we wait, we worship.
Church services during Advent traditionally center on four themes: hope, peace, joy, and love. Denise Godwin of International Media Ministries says Christians can point lost people around us to the source of these universally desired gifts.
“I believe we have a great gift in engaging with hope and peace and love – knowing that what we have we can share. It’s a privilege that we can bring with us as part of the gifts of Christmas season,” she says.
Sharing can take many forms: conversations, media interactions, formal ministries, or simple acts of generosity. During this Christmas season, and always, Christians can offer the world an extension of the love that Christ offers us.
“We see a demonstration of a different kind of love in Jesus Christ,” Godwin says, “and I think it’s a faith and a peace and a hope that we need in the times that we live in.”
In our dark world, many Christmas traditions incorporate the dawning of light: Jesus Christ, the life and light for all mankind.
Yet in the midst of our lighted celebrations, 3 billion unreached people still walk in darkness. In many countries around the world, there is no Christmas season: no celebration, no symbolism, no meaning. No light.
“There’s no purpose behind this season for them,” Godwin says. “They don’t understand the light of the world.”

Photo courtesy of Valeriya via Pexels
Primarily through media initiatives such as radio and tv programming, International Media Ministries works in the world’s darkest places to bring Gospel light. Godwin recalls the significance of one of the first projects she worked on: a Christmas program that went into the Eastern Bloc countries after the fall of communism.
“To bring the whole concept of Jesus to a culture that’s been absent Him: they have been waiting for years and years to find hope,” she says. “Each person that comes to Jesus Christ in a closed and dark country is so enthusiastic to share with others despite the risks to themselves.”
In the midst of our Advent meditations this year, Godwin asks:
“What does it look like as we wait for this hope to be revealed in our own hearts and lives?”
In our homes, churches, workplaces, and communities, let’s remind our dark world that light has come, treasuring the gift of Christ in our own hearts as we share Him with others.
“It’s a lovely privilege that we can incorporate into our Advent as we wait and dwell on the birth of Jesus Christ and what that means,” Godwin says, “as light came to the world in a unique way to save us once and for all.”
Featured photo courtesy of Gareth Harper via Unsplash