TM Lebanon closes school to protect Syrian teachers

By May 17, 2024

Lebanon (MNN) — Ongoing refugee camp raids in Lebanon have forced one Christian school to shut its doors.

Spotlighted in an extensive report last year, Syrian refugees have long been the bane of Lebanese officials and society in general. In January, The New Humanitarian shared detailed accounts of Syrians sleeping in the streets to avoid forced deportations.

Today, “the fear that the Syrian people are living now is so stressful. Some of them are teachers in our schools,” Nuna with Triumphant Mercy Lebanon says.

“They’re not sleeping in the camps because they are raided at midnight or three in the morning. Internal Security is coming and taking people from their homes and arresting them.”

TM Lebanon temporarily closed its school on Wednesday to protect Syrian teachers. Learn more about TM Lebanon’s education program here.

(Photo courtesy of TM Lebanon)

“Because of all the paperwork that Syrian people have not been able to fill with the government in Lebanon, many now are in a status of illegal residence,” Nuna says.

“We cannot open the school and have them come and be in danger of being caught.”

As teachers shelter in place with their families, text messages from TM Lebanon staff provide hope and assurance that someone cares. “‘Just trust God.’ This is what we can tell people,” Nuna says.

“We cannot help in any other way; we cannot make legal papers, we cannot advocate for them, but we can call them, comfort them, ask about them, and see if they need anything.”

Ask the Lord to give Syrian refugees His peace, which passes understanding. Pray for supernatural wisdom for TM Lebanon staff and leaders.

“Pray for wisdom to navigate this and for a long-term solution for all the people,” Nuna requests. “The whole situation is volatile. We don’t know what’s going to happen.”




Header image courtesy of Triumphant Mercy Lebanon.

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