International (MNN) — A birthday can be more than just gifts, games, and cake with mounds of frosting. Look at Jesus’ birthday: it literally changed the world. Through Buckner International, a birthday can change the world of children overseas.

(Photo courtesy of Buckner International)
Buckner International asks kids to make a difference on their birthday this year by joining Orphan Souls Birthday Club.
Instead of asking for gifts, which likely won’t be remembered next year, Buckner is inviting kids to ask for new pairs of shoes in different sizes and styles. After receiving the shoes, kids can donate them to Buckner, knowing they’re making a difference.
The gift will literally be saving orphaned and vulnerable kids’ lives. Shoes will help protect children from disease, worms, cuts, and other harmful exposures.
But even more important, the gift will mobilize the Word of God and tell the story that Jesus loves them and you love them. Despite the distance that separates you and children overseas, you will be ministering to someone who really needs it.

(Photo courtesy of Buckner International)
Your birthday can contribute to the saving of multiple children overseas both physically and eternally.
Sign up for the Birthday Club through Buckner. They’ll send you a link to download printable invitations, decorations, games, and more. After the party is over, you can send in all the shoe donations to the Shoes for Orphan Souls warehouse, where they’ll be sorted, packed up, and shipped to kids in 81 different countries around the globe.
This birthday, think about the good and love you can bring to the table and how it will change kids’ lives, your community, and you.