Middle East (MNN) — Tom and JoAnn Doyle began Uncharted Ministries after nearly three decades of ministry in the Middle East. “It all goes back to 1995 [when] I went to the Middle East for the first time,” Doyle says.
During that fateful visit, the pair came “face to face with Muslims that had come to Jesus and were willing to die for Him.”
Doyle says, “We just started writing [their stories] down on yellow legal pads to get every detail right, and then [we began] telling them in churches. Suddenly, we were writing books about what God was doing.”
Recently, “a great film crew got the fire to put these ‘God stories’ on film,” Doyle says.
In a few months, “it’ll be all ready to go. Jo Ann and I tell the stories, but then there are people acting out these stories from the books – these miraculous visitations and rescues by Jesus.”
Uncharted Ministries works alongside believers and churches in the Middle East to bring the Good News of Jesus to Jewish and Muslim communities. Learn more about Uncharted’s work here.
“We get there (to the Middle East) a lot during the year. We bring Bible tours in; we bring mission teams in, [and we] do a lot of humanitarian work,” Uncharted co-founder Tom Doyle says.
The Lord is moving in miraculous ways to transform hearts and lives. “God’s doing much with Jews and Muslims today,” Doyle says.
“The world’s a mess; the evil is over the top. Does that slow down the progress of the Gospel? No, absolutely not.”
Now that you know, how will you respond? Doyle describes three ways to activate your faith and step out of your comfort zone.
The first phase is easy, and everyone can do it. “Number one is prayer. Pray for the strength of the Church in whatever form it meets Him,” Doyle says.
“Because of security, many churches had to go underground in Saudi Arabia, the Gaza Strip, and Afghanistan. Now, we have churches totally above the ground: cyber churches.”
The next step requires a little personal sacrifice for the sake of helping others. “We have ‘first response’ initiatives through Uncharted,” Doyle says. Learn more about giving here.
“We’ve been able to help a lot of Ukrainian and Russian believers amid the war; [we’ve helped] Afghan believers with underground things happening with the Gospel there.”
Last but not least, you can “go on a Bible tour. When we go to the Middle East, you’ll get a chance to get off the beaten path, see the great Bible sights, and then meet believers from a Muslim background who love Jesus,” Doyle says.
“To meet modern-day saints who are risking their lives for the sake of Jesus – nothing compares to that.”
Header image depicts a street scene in Jerusalem, Israel. (Photo courtesy of Dave Herring/Unsplash)