(MNN) — After launching new programs in Nepal four years ago, the work of
FARMS International is still going strong.
They're working with twelve tribal groups in Nepal,
with the potential for having impact on communities reaching far beyond Kathmandu.
Ministry in the region can be a challenge because the area
has historically been very resistant to the Gospel. However, the present situation is much better and safer than when the Maoists were terrorizing the countryside. Working through missionaries in the capital,
two committees were trained to work with these dozen tribal groups.
The maturing church there is taking seriously their
responsibility to remember the poor, lending to them in ways that help develop
dignity and self-sufficiency. Christians in the New Testament were urged to
share their resources and skills to help others who suffered in poverty. Part of that included sharing the training so
the poor would learn skills, avoiding dependency.
The loan committees work with the church to provide
interest-free loans (microenterprise) to impoverished Christian families. As these believers begin to earn an income,
they demonstrate faithfulness by tithing, which eventually allows pastors to be
adequately supported by their churches. That leaves churches empowered to carry
on effective evangelism and church planting, as well as human needs ministries.
The result is a church and community that benefit from the
generosity of their members. Pray with
FARMS for the growth and maturity of the Nepali church.