Sudan (MNN) — Thousands of Christians in cities around the world were in prayer on the Global Day for Darfur yesterday. This event comes as reports of rampant insecurity is preventing aid agencies from distributing food and stopping many farmers from planting crops. A food crisis is looming. In what many have called a genocide, more than 200,000 people have been killed in this Muslim against Muslim violence.
James Lagos works with the Africa Inland Church, supported by Partners International. Speaking from Sudan, Lagos says they’ve been helping with food, shelter and other humanitarian aid for the last four years. “Through the help of Partners International with the relief efforts we have been able to support the displaced people of Darfur. And, the Lord has a real blessing to us. We’ve been able to plant one church.”
According to Lagos, it’s not necessarily words that are pointing people to Christ. “We don’t preach the Gospel like we preach in the church. But, we preach through our deeds — through what we’re doing, it’s reflecting Christ. And, as a result of that many people are coming to Christ.”
The goal is to plant more than four churches in an area that’s predominately Muslim. According to Lagos, Muslims ask Christians why they’re helping and that’s providing opportunities to share the Christ.
Not only are the people of Darfur turning to Christ, but they’re requesting something important. “Many of them are asking for Bibles. We’re trying to find out how to get Bibles to them because Bibles are only available in the black market. They are just hungry for Christ because of what’s happening.”
According to Lagos the situation isn’t getting better. “A lot of displaced people keep coming to camps. There’s no food. Relief organizations are running out in places. The situation is not stable and you cannot guarantee what will happen tomorrow.”
If you’d like to contribute to Partners International’s Islamic Africa relief fund, click Here.