Guatemala (MNN) — Remember the blogger trip to Bangladesh we brought to you in January? Five American bloggers traveled to the Southeastern nation to see how lives were being transformed through Food for the Hungry (FH).

This weekend, blogger Raechel Myers and her husband are headed to Guatemala with Food for the Hungry. (Image courtesy RaechelMyers.com)
This Sunday, FH is bringing another team of bloggers to Guatemala. MNN recently caught up with blogger Raechel Myers, who’s going with her husband.
“We have not even traveled outside of the country and we’re in our 30’s,” Myers says with a laugh. “This is a new experience for both of us, but we are really excited to not only experience it firsthand, but from a blogger perspective.
“Getting to share it and experience it from this perspective I think will be really fantastic.”
Myers and her fellow bloggers will see how FH brings new physical and spiritual life to impoverished villages.
FH began working in Guatemala in 1976, after an earthquake killed more than 22,000 people and left 1 million without homes. Since then, Guatemala has faced many natural disasters and economic challenges. FH is working to keep children in school and building healthy communities.
According to the World Food Program, Guatemala has the fourth highest rate of chronic malnutrition in the world, and Latin America’s highest rate of stunting in children.
Myers says they hope to serve in whatever way they can.
“We also want…to be a mouthpiece, not just to the people in Guatemala, but also to the people back home,” she states. “We hope to make change.”
Bloggers will be in Guatemala from August 4 through 9.
“I hope to walk away with a clearer understanding of the world,” says Myers. “I hope to walk away with a clearer understanding of God’s grace all across the world and His love all across the world in every situation; and I think even His presence everywhere.”
Follow the trip on Raechel Myers’ blog.
Pray Myers and the entire team can help further God’s Kingdom in Guatemala. Pray comfort for any fears of leaving a comfort zone.
“That’s one thing where I just, I really trust the Lord — that He will be in and through that, and just give us peace that passes understanding,” says Myers.
Ask the Lord to show bloggers His will in each situation and encounter.
“Every day, every moment, what can we be seeing? What can we be hearing? What can we be learning that we can further the Kingdom?”
Join @MNNTeam and the entire team of FH bloggers on Tuesday night at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time for what Myers calls a “Twitter party.”
“Jump in and say hello, and encourage us; we would love that! And even just to ask questions; we’d be so happy to get to chat,” Myers says.
“You can also just follow the Twitter hashtag #fhbloggers and you’ll be able to ask questions while we’re there.”