West Africa (MNN) — Recent coups in Niger and Gabon are testing regional capacity and creating new partnership opportunities. However, there’s more to the coup crisis in West Africa than regional security and geopolitical fallout.
While instability creates an opportunity for terrorist groups, “the bigger picture stems from the issue of Islam and Christianity because there’s a spiritual battle, a war going on,” World Mission’s Greg Kelley says.
“Remember, our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities.”
The circumstances surrounding believers could disrupt vital work. “The devil thrives in chaos. [Wherever] there’s chaos, the devil will be at work trying to undermine the Gospel,” Kelley says.
Instead of being distracted by their surroundings, World Mission partners in West Africa keep their eyes fixed on Jesus and press on toward their goal.

Believers learn how to use the Treasure, an audio Bible distributed by World Mission.
(Photo courtesy of World Mission)
As coups and jihadist attacks create fear and chaos, believers introduce people to the peace and hope only Christ can offer. Plus, they teach new believers how to follow Jesus and walk in His ways.
“Jesus told us to make disciples, and that requires a long-term perspective where we’re pouring in resources and making the Word of God the priority,” Kelley says.
“Come alongside an organization like World Mission that has [disciple-making] front and center, whether it’s sending in Bibles [or doing] leadership training,” Kelley says.
“Lots of organizations need help, and now’s the time to come alongside them.”
Most importantly, pray. “Jesus said, ‘Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers,’” Kelley says.
“Well, where are we sending those laborers? The harvest field is not a geographic destination. The harvest fields are the hearts of the nations; not the countries, [but] the people groups inside of them.”
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