South Asia (MNN) — Christians are tolerated at best amongst the Mal Paharia speakers of South Asia.
Less than one percent of the population of Mal Paharia speakers are Christians. Most other Mal Paharia follow another major religion, which is mixed with animism and ancestor worship. Christians experience subtle discrimination and ostracism because of their faith.
Why the hostility? For one thing, the Mal Paharia have yet to receive a translation of the New Testament in their heart language.
Enter The Seed Company. BSI translators have been working for about six years to complete the New Testament, but they still have several books to complete. The Seed Company has announced that it is now coming alongside this existing work as a partner to offer them the support they need to finish the other fifteen books of the New Testament and see it through to publication.
Beyond bringing the Good News to the Mal Paharaia speakers, this partnership will also provide a venue for developing a stronger partnership between BSI and The Seed Company. This will enhance Bible translation work throughout India and will help forge a greater unity between the two organizations, reports The Seed Company.
The Seed Company has asked for a few prayer items as they approach this project. Pray for guidance, protection and focus for translators. Pray also for the Lord to prepare the hearts of Mal Paharia speakers even now to be able to read for themselves the Good News of a Savior.
To learn more about The Seed Company and their work with the Mal Paharia, click here.