(MNN) — Benin
retains its reputation for intense spiritual warfare and strong resistance to
the Gospel.
Yet, its people express openness to the good news. Their
response was such that Campus Crusade for Christ
leaders recognized the need to partner with local churches in order to multiply
their manpower.
"JESUS" film workers developed a strategy called
"Operation Jericho". It's a massive evangelism, discipleship and training
project that will be implemented through church partnerships. The project aims at saturation for West
African with the Gospel.
So far, throughout 2006, the project has seen encouraging
success with thousands hearing the Gospel and turning their lives over to
Christ. The churches then provide the
According to JFP,
Operation Jericho
will continue through conferences in 65 cities of the 17 Francophone nations
until December 2007. Pray that God will use this partnership project to reach
many more with the Gospel.