South Africa (MNN)–Twelve grandmothers from eight states recently shared a single vision to take God’s Word to orphans in South Africa.
As members of the ‘Granny Brigade’, these women took with them the Book of Hope, an illustrated story of Christ written especially for kids.
With each book distributed, the children also got a Hope bracelet, a reminder of Jesus’ love for them. The team distributed nearly 1800 Books of Hope and 2000 Hope bracelets during their trip.
They went “to love on these babies, tell them grandmother stories and do grandmotherly things,” says Miriam Mackovek. Mackovek is a full-time volunteer with Book Of Hope.
The Granny Brigade takes the time to rock the babies, give them attention and simply be grandmothers. Many of the children are being raised by their older siblings and lack love and attention. The team of women simply went to share their love with orphans and bring the Gospel message.
Later in the week, they traveled to Freedom Park, a shanty town near the platinum mines. There is no running water or electricity in this area. The ‘Granny Brigade’ took fresh fruit in and invited the families to a screening of The GodMan film. At the end of the film, many adults and children responded to the invitation to receive Christ. An area church is taking care of the discipleship of these new believers.
Those interested in future Granny Brigade trips can call 954-975-7777, ext. 121.