International (MNN) — The Great Commission is going mobile. And it’s leading to some major milestones.
According to Matt Brubaker of The JESUS Film Project, “We’ve had partners all over the world get really excited about different opportunities.”
That’s led to two separate reasons to celebrate in recent weeks. Since its creation in October 2012, the group’s digital media platform has marked over 10 million views of evangelistic films. And, over 100,000 people have downloaded the JESUS Film app on their smartphone.
“What’s exciting about that, in our minds, is we’ve sent over 100,000 mobile missionaries out into the world that are equipped and ready to share the Gospel with people in their heart language,” says Brubaker.
The JESUS Film app “puts the JESUS Film in over 1,100 languages, right in the palm of anyone’s hand.”
While The JESUS Film app and The JESUS Film Media app certainly sound similar, Brubaker says they each fit a distinctly different purpose.
The JESUS Film app shares only one, but tremendously vital story, the tale of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection. The digital media platform app holds a collection of evangelistic films and videos; 64,000 videos, to be precise.
“What’s key about [the digital media platform], what makes it different from our app, is it actually makes all of those films accessible to anyone with a website or an app that wants to build them into their own tool,” explains Brubaker.
He says their goal when the platform and app launched last year was for 90-percent of all media views to come from sources other than The JESUS Film Project.
“We thought that the JESUS Film Media App would be out for a few years and other people would get the idea,” says Brubaker.
“But in fact, out of the gate we hit that 90%, and today we’re at 93% of all the views that happen on our film globally happen on someone else’s app or someone else’s website.”
What impact do these milestones and achievements have on the Great Commission?
“By launching our digital app and our digital platform, it’s enabled us to really get to people faster, and get [the Gospel] in the hands of people who otherwise never would’ve accessed it,” Brubaker states.
Soon, there will be a training video to go along with these tools.
“[It] helps people understand the power of having the JESUS Film Media App on their phone and how it can be used in everything from day-to-day interaction to [a] Christian going on a mission trip, how they can use it, what they can do with it,” says Brubaker.
Connect with JESUS Film Media by clicking here.
Pray for this group as they learn how to use new technology for the cause of Christ.