Middle East (MNN) – Muslim-majority Libya collapses into free-fall. ISIS closes in on Syrians in Tartus. In-fighting threatens Yemen’s Next Generation.
With all the violence in the Middle East, why would anyone be a missionary there?
“Safety is a big American value, and it’s not really a biblical value,” says Perry LaHaie with Frontiers USA.
“As we look at the stories throughout all of the Bible, we see the people of faith taking great risks.”
For example, he says, look at the life of Abraham as chronicled in Genesis.
“God basically said, ‘Go. Follow Me. I’m going to make you a blessing.’ But Abraham didn’t even know where he was going,” LaHaie observes.
“Safety is really not a high value for God when He calls us, and Jesus said, ‘If anyone would come after Me…let him take up his cross.’”
Living out that level of faith and taking great risks may sound “easier said than done.” Missionaries like “Emily” prove otherwise.
Emily is a Frontiers USA missionary sharing Jesus with Muslims in a dangerous part of the world. When an alarming situation made her second-guess her choice to serve the Lord in such a deadly context, she came to rest on the security of His promises.
“Emily was reflecting in her newsletter that ‘I’m not going to be afraid because I could be taken away by God here in America; I could be taken in the Muslim world, and I’m just going to entrust my life to Jesus,’” shares LaHaie.
Frontiers USA partners with churches and individuals to share the Gospel with unreached Muslims. Through Frontiers, churches have sent more than 2,000 leaders to reside and plant churches in Muslim communities overseas.
Learn more about Frontiers USA here.
“The answer for the Muslim world– just like it is for you and me–is the Gospel, because it changes the heart,” LaHaie says.
Because much of the Muslim world still needs to hear that life-changing message, Frontiers missionaries “go” to the far corners of the earth.
“We go because Jesus has changed us. We’ve collided with God’s grace, and we want to share that grace.”
Muslims have understood Jesus better than you. Time for revisiting you faith.