Thailand (MNN) — Thailand's cold
snap has forced the Ministry of Interior to declare an emergency in the
northern region.
Temperatures in the mountain
villages dropped to two degrees Celsius, and many villagers do not have adequate clothing to stay warm. Officials have already declared 18 districts as
winter disaster areas for more than a month.
Chiang Rai's Disaster Prevention
Office says they need roughly 150,000 blankets to help the villagers
survive the cold temperatures.
The response takes on more
urgency as the Public Health Ministry notes the susceptibility to
pneumonia. A cold snap last year
provoked an outbreak of pneumonia with over 100,000 people suffering from the
Compassion International has 38 child
development centers in the affected region.
In response to the situation, they are providing warm clothing and
blankets to more than 1,400 Compassion-assisted children and their families.
Please pray for the Lord's
continued provision during the winter season, and pray that doors will open to the