Jordan (MNN) — TENT Schools International’s Rawan Haddad recently visited the organization’s partner in Jordan. The visit let Haddad see first-hand how TENT Schools’ partnership with Good Shepherd Center is impacting Iraqi refugees.
“This is school was established in Amman. They are serving 117 Iraqi refugee children currently in their spiritual, social, academic, and also relationship[s]. Seeds of love and peace are planted in this healthy environment.”
Haddad says most Iraqi refugees arrive in Jordan with their passports but without refugee status. Since these refugees do not have official refugee status, the United Nations and other relief organizations do not offer help. Instead, aid comes from the local Church and Christian organizations.
Refugees Without the Status
Furthermore, these Iraqis are not Jordanian citizens. Again, without refugee status, Iraqi children are disqualified from attending public schools. However, Good Shepherd Center gives these kids a chance for a future. Haddad says Good Shepherd Center is unlike most schools in the area because it is a school full of love, peace, and the opportunity for children to know Jesus.
TENT Schools’ partnership with Good Shepherd Center ensures these kids have a school building, school supplies, water and electricity, and more. But, after years of talking about the refugee crisis, why is this aid still necessary?
“First of all, because these are God’s children. We have to introduce them to the true light. He loves them so much, and He cares for the widows, orphans and refugees. He wants us to be like Him,” Haddad says.
“Second, our hearts go out to these kids who left their countries with heartbreaking memories, and with so much trauma, only to arrive in another country, as refugees…I think we need to walk as Jesus did and do what He would do if He was in our place.”
Finally, Haddad says these kids have a right to an education. They deserve to feel valued, have a sense of purpose, and have skills and hope for a future.
“If we leave this new generation without education and without knowing Jesus, we will be in big trouble someday. We will have a new generation of possible terrorism because they want to avenge their parents, friends, and country. They need to be educated to serve as a good example in the future,” Haddad explains.
Help TENT Schools Change Lives
But TENT Schools is giving them more than just an education. TENT Schools is providing these kids with an opportunity to know the hope, love, and peace of Christ. Will you help?
An immediate way to start helping is through prayer. Pray God uses TENT Schools to bless these Iraqi refugees. Ask God to help this ministry be the salt and light of this earth. Pray for the teachers, their strength and wisdom, and for God to use them in these kids’ lives. Finally, pray God opens the hearts of new donors who want to support the important work this ministry is doing.
Another way to help is through financial gifts. These monetary gifts provide TENT Schools with the resources to help provide refugee children with an education, a future, and an opportunity to know Christ’s love and peace. Will you deny these vulnerable children this opportunity?
To financially support TENT Schools’ work, click here.
Header photo courtesy of TENT Schools International.