This upper middle-class family is a victim of the Russia/Ukraine conflict and assisted by Mission Eurasia NextGeneration leaders. (Mission Eurasia Facebook)
Ukraine (MNN) — While the United States and Russia continue playing tit-for-tat in their arms build-up around Ukraine, families are the ones hurting.
President of Mission Eurasia Sergey Rakhuba says over a million people have been forced from their homes in eastern Ukraine, and it’s not just the poor who are suffering. “Families who had a nice house, they had a car, a small business: they have lost everything now.”
Churches in the region supported by Mission Eurasia are reaching out with their I-Care aid program. One family told Mission Eurasia, “Thank you for coming to visit us despite the danger,” said Maria to young Next Generation Christian leaders who recently brought food to her home in the village of Andreyevka in eastern Ukraine.
She says, “I have four children and no job, and the government has stopped making the payments they normally give to families with three or more children. A few years ago, we were a well-to-do family. I never would have thought that we would need help; we were the ones helping others. Now, God has sent you to help us. Thank you for everything. Your visit especially means a lot to the children.”
Along with desperately-needed food, the young Christian leaders also used the I-Care program to provide Maria and her children with a copy of their Hope magazine, and as Maria shared, “It is especially valuable now in our region where everyone has lost hope. May God reward all those who give to those in need.”
Young people supported by Mission Eurasia are delivering I-Care pack which include food, clothing, and Scripture. “This example can repeat thousands of times with tens of thousands of families that have been trapped because of the crisis,” says Rakhuba.
$50 a month will help 12 families for a week. “Ultimately we are equipping national believers to continue ministering to those who need our help there.”
You can support Mission Eurasia here with a monthly gift of $50. You can also following them on their Facebook page here.