Iran (MNN) — After Thursday’s presidential ceremony, Islamic hardliners will control all branches of Iran’s civilian government. More about that here.
International tension has already escalated following this weekend’s attack on a tanker near Oman. Britain, Israel, and the United States blame Iran, while Tehran officials claim innocence and promise a “strong response” to any threats.
Reza* with Global Catalytic Ministries says the outlook for Iranian Christians isn’t good, but there’s a silver lining. “The outpouring is going to come inside of Iran, but it’s going to be through persecution. As they persecute, God is going to move even more powerfully,” he explains.
“People [often] pray that the Iranian government gets overthrown [or] a revolution happens, and I tell people, ‘No, pray it gets worse because as they [apply] more pressure, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes on stronger and more prevalent.”
Iranian Christians could face even more legal persecution in the days to come. On Friday, Iranian judges gave themselves more power over Christian cases. Earlier this summer, judges sentenced the first believers to five-year prison terms under controversial new amendments.
“It’s the fastest-growing church in the world; the Iranian government knows this. Also, they know that next door to them, Afghanistan is the second-fastest-growing church in the world,” Reza says.
“They’re very terrified of this, so they’re going do something to stop it, or at least try.”
Pray for strength as believers face more persecution. “Pray that God uses the Christian believers to reach more Iranians, and more people come into the Kingdom,” Reza asks.
“Jesus is coming in dreams, visions, and power encounters. He’s making a mess of the country, and we’re just a cleanup crew.”
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Zahra Amiri/Unsplash.