Sudan (MNN) — Since the peace agreement went into effect in Sudan, hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese refugees are moving from neighboring countries back into Sudan.
That peace agreement and the hope of a better future for South Sudan is in jeopardy with the early August death of Sudan’s Vice President, and major force behind the peace agreement, John Garang. Outbreaks of violence in the streets and renewed fears of reprisals have the country holding their breath to see if Garang’s work toward peace will pan out as hoped.
In the midst of this tenuous rebuilding process, The Bridge International is working through two indigenous ministries to help with spiritual training and community development. Through Operation Nehemiah and Safe Harbor International are in the process of moving their African bases of operation from Uganda and Kenya into South Sudan.
With evangelism, discipleship and church planting at the heart, The Bridge is serving the Sudanese people through efforts to re-establish sustainable living. These efforts include a great variety of outreaches, such as a boat project, agricultural development, a medical clinic, building materials, a Christian radio broadcast, an established church, educational program development, spiritual training, and leadership development.
The local staff on the ground has caught the vision of the ministry, and they’re mobilized and doing much of the work. In the next few years, The Bridge hopes to see a complete transformation of Sudan and its people for Christ.
Pray for Sudan’s continued peace and restoration, and for the peace of Christ to bring spiritual restoration and new life to Sudan.