Middle East (CAM/MNN) — Sometimes the refugee crisis can seem like a massive blur of despair.
But, the Lord numbers each hair on their heads, and Christian Aid Mission is introducing Syrian refugees to Him in the Middle East.
In Christ’s name, local believers helped by Christian Aid Mission are bringing food to empty bellies and hope to weary souls.
The world has been riveted with ISIS since its reign of terror took center stage on the nightly news over a year ago.
On August 3, 2014, the Islamic State (ISIS) began slaughtering defenseless civilians in northern Iraq’s Nineveh Governorate, and the militants abducted many others. The bloodshed went on for several days.
However, as suddenly as this crisis appeared, it disappeared as news networks moved on to other events they deemed more important, and the public soon forgot about Syrian refugees.

The cruelty of the Islamic State (ISIS) has led to unprecedented receptivity to the message of Christ in Iraq.
(Photo, caption courtesy of Christian Aid Mission)
Christian Aid Mission refuses to forget. They’ve continued to work tirelessly alongside local Christians to help provide items needed to sustain human life–as well as Living Water that supplies everlasting life–to these Syrian refugees.
Last week, a tragic photo surfaced that forced the world to remember these forgotten refugees. Now, with the images of refugees streaming into Europe, Syrian refugees are being thrust into the world news once again.
This time, refugees cannot be forgotten once the news cycle is done with them.
Christian Aid Mission and the ministries it supports need your help to provide for Syrian refugees. Within Syria and Iraq, indigenous missionaries are meeting both physical and spiritual needs.
Food is in short supply. Clean drinking water is scarce. Contamination and disease is permeating refugee camps. ISIS continues to relentlessly terrorize them.
If you are willing to help meet the needs of these Syrian refugees, do not wait. Do not forget. Please donate now.