Greece (MNN) — A teen ministry in Athens, Greece, had a great summer of ministry. Cosmovision Center, an outreach of AMG International, is a multi-purpose facility.
Three weeks before their biggest event got started this summer, they were able to
baptize five former Muslims. They also host an Indian church that is bursting with new Pakistani believers.
The biggest event of the summer, was their Teenage Games. 100 kids from four countries–Greece, Serbia, Slovakia, and Bulgaria–attended. Not only did they get to play sports together, they also were able to worship and share testimonies with each other. It was a blessing to AMG staff who got to experience this event and hear the laughter and see joy first hand.
AMG has already started fund-raising for a future expansion of the ministry of CVC. They hope to have a school there that will model Christian principles and values for the students. If you would like to continue this fund-raising effort, go here.
AMG also asks for prayer for this ministry. Satan's attacks have been felt as they see
successes. In June, a van accident left one of the eight AMG workers in a coma.
Pray that God will grant protection for the staff and others who visit the center. Pray that growth will not stop.