Peru (MNN) — It takes a village not only to raise a child, but also to bring the gospel of Christ to a village!

“These truck drivers are truly a part of our team, and we couldn’t send out our materials without them. And even though we may only see a truck driver once, we pray for them and their families.”
(Photo, caption courtesy World Missionary Press)
World Missionary Press recently delivered 2 million gospel-centered booklets to a pastor in Peru. But Helen Williams with WMP says that was possible only because a Peruvian woman in another country had connected them.
”She sent us a list of 10 pastors in Peru that needed literature, and she was willing to work to get the container in,” Williams explains.
One of the church leaders was Pastor Lopez, who lives in the south of Peru.
“He was telling us about all of these unreached, small villages and small towns that were kind of out-of-the-way. We [recently] sent him a container. He got a 40-foot container, which is 2 million booklets. [The woman who first connected us] helped him get it in, import it,” Williams says.
Every World Missionary Press shipment is a team effort, from the national partners to the printing, packaging, loading, driving and shipping of the materials. WMP currently produces 11 million booklets per month, sending them to places like Chad, Honduras, Botswana, and many more.
Pastor Lopez has sent back a report of how many boxes went to which cities and which pastors in Peru.
“One of the videos they sent had a picture of children with our booklet, ‘The Way to God,’ which was written for children in Spanish. The caption is, ‘Nothing like this had ever entered their village,’” Williams says.
“They had never seen anything like this or heard this message. It’s exciting when we hear those reports.”
Williams says it’s likely they will send Pastor Lopez another batch of Scripture booklets and Bible studies to distribute.

Volunteers packing literature
Image courtesy of World Missionary Press
Praise God for a successful delivery of this shipment, and pray for the booklets to reach people whose hearts are ready to receive Christ.
“God is really moving in the world. We see it in so many countries, in so many areas, even in Europe,” Williams says.
“Just keep praying and trust in the Lord that He’s going to honor His Word as it’s shared. Be encouraged! God is at work.”
Header photo of people in Peru is a representative stock photo courtesy of Deb Dowd via Unsplash.