USA (MNN) — Living out the Great Commission is frequently challenging and can quickly make anyone involved feel lonely. Those serving on church missions committees likely know the feeling.
Steve Beirn has been a mission practitioner in the church for 35 years. This October, he and The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) are pairing up to reassure you that you are not alone in your missions tasks.
TEAM and Calvary Church have created a one-day mission conference to be held on October 4, 2011 in Wheaton, Illinois. The Ignition Conference will inspire you to be more proactive as a church in missions and will also give you specific guidance concerning recruiting missionaries from within your church. The conference will expose you to a wealth of resources and provide an opportunity for fellowship with other missions-minded church leaders.
If you are a missions pastor, Christian education leader, key missions volunteer, interested lay person, or mobilizer, then TEAM believes this conference is for you. To show just how vital they believe a day like this can be for a missions team, they're providing a number of incentives to participate for the day:
• The first 5 churches to register 2 or more people will have a 1-hour free phone consult to discuss missions related challenges
• Each person to register will receive a complimentary copy of David Mays new book entitled, "The Mission Leadership Team."
• Each church registered will automatically be entered in a drawing to win the updated and improved "Operation Worldview." This is an outstanding 8-week DVD small group study on missions. Go to operationworldview.org/intro for more information about this study.
• Upon registration, each church will be sent "7 Penetrating Questions" — a useful ministry evaluation tool to help you assess your present ministry.
The entire cost of the conference is only $39 for the day. Lunch is included.
Take the time to learn and fellowship to better establish your church's part in the Great Commission. To register for the conference, call 630.614.485, or e-mail [email protected]. For further information, visit teamworld.org.