Syria (MNN) — Over the last four years, the number of Syrian refugees has continued to grow in many neighboring countries. And it’s no secret that in struggles like this, the aid stops flowing when people stop caring. Syria is entering the fifth year of conflict. When many people have long forgotten, Vision Beyond Borders is one group determined to do what they can to help.
People continue to flee civil war and terror threats into neighboring countries. The consequences are that other countries are feeling overwhelmed by the weight of millions of strangers in their land. In other cases, it’s a little more complicated. New York Times recently reported that Turkey is moving to close their borders due to security risks. Whether by necessity or not, the people closest to the refugees are losing their power to help. That’s where you come in.
It’s important to remember there are people behind the need, not just the need itself. Vision Beyond Borders is sending a container overseas to help meet the basic needs of as many refugee families is possible, and they’re asking for your help.
It’s simple. They need hygiene products– items you probably already have extras of in your bathroom cupboard. Have you ever felt less than human because it’s been too long since you’ve showered or brushed your teeth? Then you might begin to understand how these refugees feel, lacking access to simple hygienic tools like a toothbrush. For details on preparing these kits, click here.
VBB is also requesting new and gently-used clothing, blankets, and shoes.
Here is more information from their Facebook post:
We are still collecting hygiene packs, but here are a few other items we need: nice, flat (not overstuffed) blankets, good shoes and clothing (men/women/children & all sizes, but no tears, holes, or stains. Also, no camo, American flags/slogans, shorts, or tank tops. Modest clothing. Only new underwear & pajamas). Please contact us at (307) 333-6545 or [email protected] with any questions.
Ask God to use mission organizations like Vision Beyond Borders to tell other people about Himself. Pray that these people, regardless of what they have, would find their security and strength in the truths of the Gospel.
If you’re considering giving to this effort, don’t waste time. The deadline is April 24, 2015.