Taiwan (MNN) — As China continues to claim Taiwan a breakaway province, a Christian organization is moving in to help Taiwan’s youth.
Founder of Book of Hope International Bob Hoskins just returned from Taiwan where he met with the Chief Justice of their Supreme Court who says, “We’re one of the wealthiest nations in the world. Our young people have everything. We have the harshest drugs laws in the world, outside of Singapore. And yet, our precious young people continue to get themselves involved in drugs. This book is what we need to show them that there is another way.” The Book of Hope has also received the endorsement of a congresswoman.
Hoskins says these endorsements have cleared the way for their ministry. “We have already distributed more than 500,000 books in the public schools of Taiwan.”
Book of Hope is sending out their Nomad Teams. These are young people who are training nationals to do the work, says Hoskins. “They just returned from a three month trip into Taiwan with glowing reports of how the children and young people are responding to the message of hope found in the Gospels, (in) the Book of Hope.”
Hoskins says while Book of Hope is successful in poor nations, he says it can also work in wealthy nations. “They have everything, but their hearts are empty. There’s a hole there and it can only be filled with the knowledge of Christ, and the Book of Hope engages those children and young people into discovering that Jesus loves them and has a plan for them.”
Taiwan’s young people may be a little easier to connect with than young people in Europe and the United States, says Hoskins. “In the United States kids have had church, church, church and so they’re skeptical. But, in a place like Taiwan where their background is eastern religions, primarily Buddhist, they have not been exposed to the Gospel.”
They hope to distribute 1.5 million Books of Hope next year. Funding is needed. Hoskins is asking people to pray that God, “will raise up Taiwanese young people who will catch the vision to reach and evangelize their own nation.”
It costs just 33-cents a copy to distribute a Book of Hope.