Southeast Asia (MNN) — Creative access countries may be closed to the Gospel, but that doesn’t stop Vision Beyond Borders (VBB) from sending in mission teams…with flannel graphs.
One such team led by VBB’s Wes Flint recently returned from a mission trip to Southeast Asia. Each member of the team carried four duffel bags full of provisions for the churches there. They were thankful to have little conflict with the airlines and border crossing.
Upon arrival, the team’s first stop was to a refugee camp and several Nepali orphanages that VBB works with. The refugee and orphaned children were thrilled by the puppet shows performed by the mission team to explain the Gospel story. They also did T-shirt and craft projects and sang worship songs with the kids.
Afterwards, the team went on into a closed country carrying a load of Bibles and the flannel graphs. The border crossing went smoothly, and the team arrived at their contact’s place late that night.
When they got there, approximately 30 pastors and students were eagerly waiting. Seeing the Bibles the team brought, the pastors and students erupted, shouting “Hallelujah!”
The need for more copies of the Bible in closed countries is great, especially in Southeast Asia where persecution of believers is common. Many of the pastors and students with whom the team interacted were barefoot and lived in poverty. But VBB’s team members also saw much joy and gratitude from the believers and were touched by their hunger for God’s Word.
Prayer was one of the most critical requests made by the believers in the closed country: prayer for safety and for strength as they spread the Gospel despite the opposition they face. VBB’s contact in the country currently oversees 350 churches, all of which need prayer.
Pastors also requested flannel graphs as this is a creative way to tell the Gospel story, especially to those who cannot read the Bible.
For the next mission trip, VBB’s mission team plans on doing a painting project for an orphanage they visited. To give to VBB’s ministry to help our brothers and sisters all over the world, click here.