Suspects arrested in Philippines’ anti-terror effort–an evangelist readies to preach there.

By April 1, 2004

Philippines (MNN)–Multiple suspects linked to the Al Qaeda-born Abu Sayyaf are in custody in the Philippines.

The first round of arrests revealed a complex plot for a Madrid-styled attack in Manila. The violence could skew upcoming elections. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is seeking re-election on May 10.

Arroyo ordered the police to tighten security in the capital and step up patrols throughout the country. The military also put all its units in Manila on high alert.

Against that backdrop, plans are moving foward for a team of evangelists to lead a series of evangelistic meetings. Evangelist Sammy Tippit says, “The Lord just seems to lead us to those places where there’s need, where there’s great volatility. But, it has not inhibited anything that we’ve attempted to do.”

While security will be tight, Tippit feels confident about the safety of the church workers. “I think one of the reasons is that our method of operation is totally the people out front doing this are the nationals themselves.”

Tippit adds this is where their work is a great encouragement to church leaders. “We are just providing them a tool that they can use–our broadcasts are very, very much in the cultural setting of the people there so it has more of a feel of them than us. And I think that has been a great protection for everybody.”

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