USA (MNN) – Summer is here, and that means school is out and kids are off to adventure. But, with all this extra time, summer is a great opportunity to engage kids with reading to help grow their brains, both physically and spiritually.
It’s why Family Christian has a summer reading program; to encourage kids to pick up a book!
A Reading Program

(Photo courtesy of Family Christian)
“We’ve heard research and a lot of experts talk about when kids are out of school, how sometimes their skills can diminish. And one of the ways to combat that is through reading. So what we have developed is almost a way to encourage kids to read,” Daniel Warren, with Family Christian, explains.
“So what we do is we have a pamphlet, and we ask the kids to read six Christian themed books over the course of the summer. If they do that and fill out the pamphlet, we have a book we will give to them free.”
More so, the reading program gives parents an opportunity to engage their children with the Word of God by asking them what Biblical themes they picked up in the book. Parents can discuss with their kids where these themes can be found in the Bible, and how they can see them play out in real life. It’s a chance to dive deeper into Scripture and to grow these kids’ faith.
Who Can Join?
The reading program is for kids up to 12-years old, and is available to anyone with an internet connection. So even those who don’t live near a Family Christian store can still engage. This includes those who live outside of the United States. All that’s needed is a valid email address.
Warren says you can sign up at the Family Christian website! “That will bring up the summer reading program and pamphlet to download. You can fill out the pamphlet and email it back us. There’s instruction on the pamphlet of how to do that, tell us which book you want, and we will mail you the book.”

(Photo Courtesy Family Christian)
Another a great thing about this summer reading program? There isn’t really a starting age limit. Kids as young as three or four-years old can have books read to them, and they can count towards the six books needed to receive a free book.
These free books are coming from some big name authors. For example, C.S. Lewis’s “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” as well as “Prince Warriors” by Pricella Shyer are a part of those to be given away, helping grow kids’ personal libraries.
Plus, Warren says Family Christian is currently having a summer sale on their kids’ books; buy one book, get the second book half-off. The sale is available both at familychristian.com and in stores.
Getting Started
So this summer, as your kids venture off the play and decompress after a long school year, encourage them to engage their minds in stories reflecting Christ. To sign up for Family Christian’s summer reading program, click here!
But also pray for Family Christian as it works to grow God’s kingdom, and pray for the kids who will be a part of this reading program. Pray for their growth spiritually and for them to encounter God in the stories that will fill their minds.