Summer of Hope kicks off in Lebanon

By June 13, 2024

Lebanon (MNN) — Most churches in the West plan to hold a week of Vacation Bible School sometime this summer. Heart for Lebanon’s Summer of Hope follows a similar model but lasts all summer instead of one week.

Heart for Lebanon’s Camille Melki explains, “Our Summer of Hope campaign is meant to bring joy, peace, tranquility, and a sense of togetherness to children who have experienced the hardest of life, whether they are refugees or whether we’re talking about local children.”

Lebanon is not an easy place to live, and children need hope. Poverty is rampant, and daily essentials are hard to come by. Cross-border shelling between Israel and Hezbollah threatens war.

Only one source offers peace that passes understanding. “Summer of Hope is meant to bring the hope of Christ to every little kid that has suffered tremendously in the last year or so,” Melki says.

(Photo courtesy of Heart for Lebanon)

“Our teachers, staff, and volunteers come alongside hundreds of children every day this summer [to bring] a smile to a child who has lost a loved one; bring a place of belonging, a place where they can play safely and feel welcomed.”

Connect with Heart for Lebanon here to learn more about the Summer of Hope and follow individual hope stories throughout the summer.

“Pray every child that comes in our doors will experience this hope in Christ,” Melki requests.

Pray the Lord will transform children’s lives and entire families through this outreach. Melki adds, “Pray for our safety. Both of our Hope Ministry Centers [are in] very difficult locations, but purposefully located so we can reach out to those suffering the most.”




Header and story images courtesy of Heart for Lebanon.

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