Russia (MNN) — June is barely a week away, which means Slavic Gospel Association’s summer camps ministry season will be in full swing.
Each summer, SGA helps support national churches in the former Soviet Union to host summer camps for local youth. At these camps, kids have a chance to escape daily life, have fun, but most importantly — learn about the hope of Jesus. Read our previous coverage on SGA summer camps here.
“We’re seeing kids grow up in environments that are surrounded by drug use or alcoholism or just a sense of godlessness, which leads to hopelessness. So, these kids are looking for answers growing up, really seeking to find out if there’s more to life than they have been experiencing,” SGA’s Eric Mock explains.
Also, for children coming from unbelieving backgrounds, they are introduced to and challenged with the Gospel. The people reaching out and building relationships with these kids are often the same workers who reach out during the Christmas outreach, Easter outreach, and even through the Orphans Reborn program.
“The summer camps are just part of the year-round evangelistic and discipleship-centered work of these local churches…. These kids are coming there, they’re hearing the Gospel, [and] they’re in a safe place. It’s exciting!” Mock says.
For the kids who do have a relationship with Christ, these summer camps offer an opportunity to deepen their faith. As we enter the prime months for summer camps — June and July — will you help support this work?
Send a Child to Camp
SGA helps local churches through summer camp scholarships, Christian literature, equipment, and other materials.
“We’re hoping to reach 20 to 30 percent more than we have this year. To be honest, we’re only limited by funds. Each year, we have to actually turn [away] churches that are asking for funds. What we do at SGA is, as the funds come in each year, we…empty everything out. We send everything we get. And each year, it’s a step of faith to see what we can provide for these churches to do summer camp outreach,” Mock explains.
SGA is still in the process of distributing funds to local churches in Russia for this year’s summer camps. Mock says it only takes $41 to send a child to camp. Will you help provide the opportunity for a child to learn about Christ’s deep love?
To give to SGA’s Summer Camps ministry, click here.
Ask God to provide the resources to reach these kids with the Gospel this summer. Pray for kids’ lives to be impacted by the hope of Christ. Pray for the encouragement and support of the workers reaching out to these young people. Finally, pray for protection over these summer camps.
“Regardless of the ministry, it’s about the message of hope, the message of Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior, and that belief in Christ — that life-changing belief is the central message of all these activities.”
Header photo courtesy of Slavic Gospel Association.