India (MNN) — A ministry center in Bangalore, India is getting a facelift after seven years in the waiting.
Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM) studio recording God’s Word into audio has been functional. But they’ve needed a green light to rebuild it for improved ministry.
Finally, ASM was recently able to dive into the project with the help of Indian believers. They currently have the first floor finished. The plan is to add three more floors.
“We’re going to be needing some help with that project very shortly,” explains Tom Dudenhofer with ASM. “About 6-7 years ago, we raised a significant amount of money to get this project off the ground; but as that fund is expended, we’re going to need more help to finish this project.”
Dudenhofer says this recording studio ministry is unique “because [it is] owned and operated by national believers. ASM is coming alongside. We’re there to help them; we want to give them a good start so that they can continue to impact their country for the Lord Jesus.”
Despite the sound of construction at the ministry site, all ministry has not been put on hold.
“Projects are currently being taken care of as God’s Word is being recorded [and] players are being prepared for distribution. We are trying so hard to not allow the building projects to become our focus, but they are things that we need to get done so that God’s Word can continue to go out in audio,” says Dave.
27% of India’s population is illiterate, according to the 2011 census. That means out of a population of 1.241 billion people in India, 335 million people can’t read the Bible. The work of putting Scripture into audio is critical.
According to Dudenhofer, “There are still many areas where not only the New Testament has recently been translated and could be recorded, but other places where people are looking for information about the Old Testament, which is a huge project.”
And there are few things more exciting than encouraging national believers to take ownership of ministry in their nation.
“When we’re able to put up a local studio in a country…it allows the national believers to come to those locations; and after some training, they begin to produce not only recordings of God’s Word in audio… but then they begin to put together materials that are used in local churches. They complement the Scripture recordings as they mature in their ministry,” says Dudenhofer.
To donate to this project or learn more about ASM, click here.