(MNN) — Passion Conference 2010 challenged 22,000 students to raise $500,000
for 12 different Christian ministry projects in the "Do Something Now" Campaign. The students exceeded the goal, raising over
$668,000. Then a generous couple matched
the amount, for a total of over 1.3 million dollars, according to The Christian
"No Passion Gathering will simply
be an event you attend," the "Do Something Now" Web site explained. "Rather, together we want to shift into
action as we partner with amazing causes throughout the world. While it's true
that none of us can meet the needs alone, it's also true that united we can do
something exceptional for His fame."
Before this year's conference, "Do
Something Now" had raised nearly $2 million for needy people around the
world. The goal is not simply to worship
God, but to move from worship to action on behalf of the poor, the imprisoned,
the voiceless and the oppressed. To that
end, conference attendees also donated about 70,000 pairs of socks and 15,000
towels to Atlanta-area homeless shelters, Charisma Magazine reports.
One of the organizations partnering
with "Do Something Now" is Operation Mobilization. Its original goal was to raise $75,000 to
build one Dalit Education Center in India. Conference attendees donated twice that amount, so OM now plans to build
two Dalit Education Centers.
Over 250 million Dalit people, or
"untouchables," live in India. They are
the lowest rung in India's fading caste system, and their society denies them
access to medical care, education, and good jobs. OM is working to improve the lot of the Dalits
by educating an entire generation of children at Dalit Education Centers. You can help.