Singapore (WWCS) — What does “Kingdom-sized vision” mean to you?
To Worldwide Christian Schools, it means developing a strategy to grow. That means establishing an Educational Care Training Center in Singapore that will serve as a refuge for equipping educators in the 10/40 window.
What is EC Care? It is teaching teachers how to teach. The EC Care team reports a dramatic, continuing rise in the demand for this modular training by Christian schools in Africa and Latin America, and now Asia.
The six modules, guided by an EC facilitator, cover topics from establishing a Biblical view of teaching and schooling to discipline, school leadership, and how students learn differently, using their God-given gifts.
Coupled with the fact that there are 5,213 unreached people groups and over 2.5 billion souls without access to the gospel of Christ in Asia, and this summer’s launch of Educational Care teacher training in Indonesia and Cambodia becomes huge. It marks the first introduction of EC among Christian teachers and administrators in the region.
Partners in both nations are translating EC’s manuals into their languages in anticipation of the WWCS staff’s arrival in July to commence the training.
The EC Institute set an $8,000 goal for this two-country launch which includes identifying educators in both nations who wish to join the EC “Trainer Track” leading toward certification to conduct EC training within their local and regional schools.
The Matching Gift was a unique opportunity for new partners with Worldwide Christian Schools, the trainers, and the Asian educators to join the Great Commission. “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). Prayer partners are also vital to their ministry. Click here to see more about the EC Institute.