(Dominican Republic)–And, in the Dominican Republic this desperately poor nation is feeling the gigantic ripple effects of economic turmoil from the United States. Missionary John McConville says the poverty levels in this country are staggering. “We’re excited about the opportunity to be more of a co-struggler. We work with the unlovely, the poor in small villages, and [they] probably have more of a broken heart for us and what suffering we’ve been through-which is so commonplace to them down there with a tough lifestyle that they’re all accustomed to.” McConville says the warmth from believers is comforting. He says despite typhoid fever and a hard pregnancy, he and his family will return to continue their ministry. “Jesus Christ has called us to share the hope that He has to all nations. We need the body of Christ to pray for us, specifically, for our health, as we’ve had some real health struggles this year.” McConville and his family are staying at D&D Missionary Homes in Florida until their return to the Dominican Republic.