(Ecuador)–And finally, even as church growth explodes in Latin America, there are trials that missionaries face. Take, for example, the future church planting work of Louis Beeler. Beeler is headed for Ecuador, excited about evangelistic outreach. He acknowledges the challenges he faces going in. “Even if they’re not practicing Roman Catholics, they become ostracized from their culture when they leave the church. Their family, their culture, their life is just wrapped up in the church. When they make a public profession of faith, they make a public declaration that they’re turning away from that previous lifestyle.” Beeler says the strength new believers have can only come from one place. “Part of salvation is God changing a person, not just reforming them, but changing them. The Bible says they become a new creation. On our own, we wouldn’t have success getting people to leave a culture that they’re comfortable with.” Beeler and his family are staying at D&D Missionary Homes in Florida while in the United States.