(USA)–And finally, the terror attacks on the U-S may be having an impact on prison inmates’ salvation. It’s all part of the evangelistic outreach to prisoners called “Operation Starting Line”. Crossroad Bible Institute is processing the responses. Crossroad’s David Schuringa (SURE-ihng-GAH). “The Fresno campaigns happened after those terrorist attacks and we had a tremendous response. We received 5,700 response cards just from the Fresno area. That’s more than what we received in entire states before.” Discipleship training is expected to nearly triple. Schuringa says the program could be hampered if additional funding isn’t raised. “The financial impact has been just staggering. Eventually it’s going to mean we can’t take any more students. I just can’t imagine a God who would touch the heart of thousands of inmates would not also touch the hearts of His people to support that.”