Story number 4 for 6 Apr 2001

By April 6, 2001

(USA)–Meanwhile, April is Child Abuse Awareness Month in the United States and an evangelical ministry is raising awareness among the nation’s churches. Wayne Tesh is with Royal Family Kids Camps, a camp ministry targeting abused children. Tesh says the church hasn’t done enough to talk about the millions of children abused each year. “When I do workshops and seminars I ask that question, how many have ever heard a sermon on adultery, how many have ever heard a sermon on abortion, how many people have ever heard a sermon on alcoholism and they raise their hands. But, when I say, how many have ever heard a sermon on child abuse hands do not go up.” Tesh encourages churches to sponsor a camp for abused children because it can have eternal impact. “The difference between children who make it and those who don’t – it’s one person who says we care about you. And, that’s what the churches mission message should be. It’s not right what’s taken place, but God has a future and a plan for your life. And, that’s the message we give to kids.”

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