Story number 4 for 5 Dec 2000

By December 5, 2000

Next, crisis pregnancy counseling is seeing many people come to Christ in Romania. That’s the word from Baptist for Life officials, who recently returned from a pro-life conference there. BFL’s Ray Paget says the need for crisis pregnancy clinics is great in Romania. “Romania has one of the highest abortion rates in the world. Three out of four pregnancies end in abortion in Romania. And, there are literally millions upon millions of women who are suffering from post abortion syndrome right now.” Paget says they’re trying to establish new clinics, but not just to curb the abortion problem. “Our main reason for even starting these types of ministries is that these are vehicles for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And, every woman who comes into these centers hear a clear presentation of the Gospel and many women come to know Christ.” More than 200 people have come to Christ as a result of work in just three clinics.

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