(USA)–Next, we turn to the prison system of the United States. Reports of overcrowding, dismal conditions and physical abuse shadow the corrections system. However, Evangelism Explosion’s Ray Castro says they’ve been invited to come in and offer the Gospel to the inmates. “One of the thrilling parts of this is that once you start Evangelism Explosion in the prison, then we turn it over to the inmates. We put it within their hands, and they become the teachers and the trainers if the person from the church on the outside can’t go in anymore, the inmates have an ongoing ministry.” Castro says for many of the inmates they work with, sharing the Gospel is the first time they’ve had direction. “Our government is saying, ‘They’re here; come and share with them.’ This is an opportunity that we’ve got to seize. We have to take this opportunity and go and be the love of Christ for these men and women, and then disciple them and train them and give them a purpose.”