(USA)–Next, as a college student, Esther Hunter is searching for her calling. She thinks she may have found part of the answer through the JAARS “Total it Up” program, a five day course on linguistics and its function in Bible translation. “You just get introductory courses in phonetics and phonology and grammar and language learning and we also take a really interesting course in culture and world-view. We also get a taste of literacy and the importance of scripture in use. There is also language surveying.” For Hunter, the program provides just the right amount of information to whet the appetite. “With these courses it just gives me a greater view of what the whole process is like and I’m able to see where my gifts and talents could fit into it and see just where God might be leading me for the future.” The final course for the summer starts in late July. JAARS speeds Bible translation by providing quality services for Wycliffe Bible Translators and others.