Story number 4 for 30 Aug 2001

By August 30, 2001

(USA)–Meanwhile, Gospel to the Americas is having an incredible impact on hearts in Mexico thanks in part to Bible Literature International. BLI’s Mike Chiapperino explains how they’re helping. “We are providing the lion’s share of the literature that they distribute. We use picture New Testament type of pamphlets. We use Gospel tracts. We find that the children really enjoy these stickers. And then the stickers point them to the person of Jesus Christ.” Gospel to the America’s Barb Leonard says their partnership with BLI has assisted in the effectiveness of their outreach. “We shared the Gospel with over one million people and out of those, there were public professions of faith that totaled almost 156-thousand. So, it’s extremely fruitful. We come alongside evangelical churches who want to evangelize.”

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