Story number 4 for 29 Nov 2000

By November 29, 2000

Meanwhile, the largest teen missions conference in the world is less than a month away, and the event is already sold out. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is sponsoring Urbana 2000 which begins December 27th. InterVarsity’s Phil Evans says the conference is full. He explains why it sold out so fast. “This generation of college students is interested and enthusiastic about getting mobilized for missions. I think secondly, delaying Urbana one year has increased the anticipation. And, I think thirdly, registering on the web just increased peoples opportunities to sign up.” Evans expects some 18-thousand young people at the event. He says the great demand is forcing them to rethink efforts next time. “It is causing us to think about future Urbanas, and what we might do to be able to facilitate more people. It is a difficult thing to tell someone they can’t come. But, we are letting people know that Urbana will be on-line: Urbana-dot-org.”

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