(Russia) — Next, while summer is still a few months away, at least one ministry is gearing up for the special time of year. Russian Ministries George Law says he looks forward to summer because they see many young people come to Christ as part of the summer camping ministry. “They’re so open to the Gospel. They’re open to change. They’re looking for something to give meaning to them and these youth camps that we hope to have this summer we’ll be able to send perhaps as many as 5,000 to 10,000 young people to the camps. And, approximately a third of them make a commitment to Christ. And, that changes a life that some day could change the face of an entire nation.” But Law says they need sponsors to help with this outreach. “We’re asking that God would send us enough individual sponsors so that we can send about 5,000 kids to camp. And, that takes about $50 to send one child to camp and that would be enough to change the life of a child.”