(USA)–And, warm coats could turn hearts warm to the Gospel. Mel Trotter Ministries is using the Christmas holiday to hand out coats and hot meals to those in need in West Michigan. “The formula works really in all churches. You meet a need on a lower level to talk to people at their ultimate need for Jesus.” Bob Evans with Mel Trotter says they will distribute over 44-hundred coats to families who might otherwise not have the coats for the harsh Michigan winters. Evans says they’ll also provide thousands of warm meals today. “We have about 75 volunteers gonna help us on Christmas Day believe it or not. The goal is to provide some hospitality and show the love of Christ in practical ways. It softens the hearts for evangelism, it allows us to get them back in the door to meet other needs, it’s a part of the evangelism process, it’s the friendship piece that eventually leads to the opportunity to lead people to Christ.” Mel Trotter has seen more people come through their doors as a tough economy has caused many to lose their jobs and home.