(Russia)–Meanwhile, Russian Ministries launched a new ministry to assist North American churches in developing vision for unreached people in the former Soviet Union. The effort brought 50-thousand families together with gifts packed into shoeboxes for delivery to the Russian needy. Russian Ministries’ Sergey Rakhuba. “That’s where we partner with Samaritan’ s Purse in order to distribute to all the orphanages and to enable national churches to have a tool in their hands to promote their evangelism.” Rakhuba says the teams then provide followup to children and families throughout the winter and spring. “Using that as the key to open the door for evangelism into families, and orphanages and many other groups that use that to reach out to poor children, orphans in Russia.” Summer provides Russian Ministries’ national missionaries with the chance to share the Gospel through children’s camps, youth retreats, daily vacation Bible school programs, and other outreaches.