(International)–Next, a former teacher finds herself in education yet again, but this time, the classroom is much bigger. World Concern’s Sarah Congdon says she’s leading a team of missions educators to Honduras in February for a practical lesson on short term missions. “We’re taking them down on a vision trip that is meant to inspire them and also begin an equipping process so they can come back and begin mobilizing the children they teach for missions.” After many people had expressed an interest in such a real-life learning experience, Congdon says the rest of the trip’s function fell into place. “What we’re hoping to do is to take people that are teaching our kids now, our children in our churches and our schools, and plant in them a vision that really is a lively one of how much God cares for the poor and people who are unreached around the world, and for them to see how He’s working now around the world, and for them to grasp the concepts about how their kids could be equipped so they can be part of the work of reaching those people.”