(USA)–Meanwhile, missionary radio is continuing to broadcast in languages with a million or more speakers. President of HCJB World Radio’s Dave Johnson says they’re moving forward with their worldwide radio planting program. Johnson says Asia is just beginning to open up, especially India. “India’s legislature has now privatized radio and communications, so it’s now possible for a private party to own and run a radio station in India. And, we’re work with Bibles for the World and Doctor Pudaite to see if we can’t do something.” Johnson says the number of requests continue to pour and they’ll do what they can to help. “We get somewhere between 10 and 20 requests each week. Many of those never go anywhere. We’ve gone over the 200 mark. I would love to see us do between 50 and 100 this year, if God allows us to do that.” Each station can cost up to 50-thousand dollars to get on the air.