Story number 4 for 13 Feb 2001

By February 13, 2001

(Sudan)–Meanwhile, we turn our attention to the Sudan where we get an update on what’s happening with the church. Global Advance’s David Shibley says the persecution has had an interesting effect on the believers. “There is something of a lull right now in the persecution, but that there seems to be an ebb and flow of persecution; all of this is enmeshed, not only in religious issues, but also in political issues and in tribal hostilities. What we do need to remember is that there has been a powerful Christian witness in Sudan for a very long time.” Shibley recently held a Frontline Shepherd’s conference in the area. “There is a tremendous surge of God’s spirit, very significant church grown throughout the nation in the midst of a government that many times is hostile against them; and yet, we were able to train over 3,000 church leaders and among them several hundred pastors.”

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