(Japan)–Meanwhile, work continues on the construction of an Evangelical Baptist Mission camp in Japan. EBM’s Paul Jackson says they want to finish the project soon. The urgency comes from a remarkable openness to the Gospel, and also, economics. “The property has been purchased, the first two phases of are purchased, we’re really ready to finish this off, and in the providence of God, the dollar exchange right now against the yen is at an all-time high. Instead of requiring 85-thousand dollars to finish this camp, it’ll probably be closer to 60-65-thousand would complete the project.” Jackson says the purpose of the camp is: “Here in America, we think of reaching children and young people, and that will be a primary function of this camp, particularly in light of the movement of God among young people right now. But it’s also going to have a broader purpose of not only evangelism, but training those kids, and training families.” Pray that God would provide while the dollar is strong.