(Ghana)–According to the latest African Economic Report, Ghana is moving slowly, but surely, toward economic and democratic development. Oasis International’s Nancy Hudson explains they were approached by both church and government officials in Ghana and asked to help. “One of the things that they have a great need for is management skills. One of the things that they recognize is that they have not had the access to management training in their government. Because of that, they’ve come to us and asked us to do some leadership training.” A leadership training seminar is slated for August 16th in Ghana. Hudson says this opportunity also opened another door for the Gospel. “We told them, ‘well, the only way that we know how to teach about management is using God’s word, and the Bible, as our text. They said, ‘That’s great. We accept that.” Hudson says they’re also planning a ministry extension soon. Oasis will build a vocation center next to their training center in Ghana in the near future. Please pray.